Thursday 29 December 2011

How to get the long-term relationship Fundamentals 101

How to get the long-term relationship Fundamentals 101
(The Long-Term Relationship – hence known as TLTR)

First of all lower your requirements on that Prince you are waiting for, second don’t even expect him to be a prince if he doesn’t have a castle, for fuck’s sake don’t expect him to be a Prince even if he accidentally has a castle!! Naaaa I’m just joking you know? :D Even though, it’s true ;)

Now I know you really want that good guy in your life, as mentioned above – the Prince. I am gonna try and keep it simple, starting with the most obvious ;)
Things that won’t help you get TLTR:
  1. Making photos of yourself in clubs’ toilets, faking big lips.
  2. Actually going to a surgeon to implant your lips, breasts surely won’t hurt your chances though ;P
  3. Getting 2000 likes on your new photo of your old body by the same people
  4. And since you are looking for your soul-mate, DON’T play an arrogant bitch all the time, you might just miss your Prince in your hurry to maintain your “ great status”
  5. Don’t be too clingy, too romantic, too chatty either – it’s off-putting.
  6. Withholding sex for months, actually there is no evidence that not having sex on a first date will end up in a more meaningful relationship. In my opinion it’s 50/50, it still depends on other things. Actually all girls that have tried to postpone having fun when they have actually wanted it, have hated, deleted, blanked after and apparently it is always the man’s fault. All girls that have done what it feels like, when it feels like it, are still good friends or in good relations, because we have realized like grown people, that it won’t really happen. It just doesn’t work like this – if you are annoying, stupid and too much of an egoist TLTR will just never happen ;)
  7. Wasting years on years chasing one person that you think is the one. While this in most cases works for men, for women is just a tragedy. Men decide in just about 1-2 conversations if they are going to have TLTR with a girl or not. “If a man acts as if he doesn’t give a shit, most probably he really doesn’t give a shit!”. Just take it without bad feelings – he is out of your league ;)
  8. Do not make him feel like you are using him to gain things like respect, popularity, confidence, friends, car, CLIENTS!!(never mind), money, although most rich men are cool with money ;) – or put in other words Respect
  9. Don’t play “I am very hard to get”, most probably you are not worth that much effort. Although a little is very cool I admit ;)

Now for the most useful part of that article, that doesn’t even requires you to subscribe, please try to clear your mind of most prejudice and everyday problems.
Those are the things that will help you keep him:

  1. Allow yourself more time for personal development, there are so many things you could learn to do and even be fun. Looks is not everything in the world, it’s like the see view on my villa, you just don’t look at it that often 2 weeks after you’ve moved in ;)
  2. Try to be pretty without make up.
  3. Give men what they want, we are like dogs, we go back to the person, who feeds us ;). Then we are satisfied and you could ask us for anything ;)
  4. Have a goal in life, its especially important that it doesn’t conflict with his goal. And please don’t make it be “Achieving/finding Love”, love is such a small thing in the world, open your eyes, ask yourself about the future in 5,10,20 years.
  5. Somehow, despite all grayness of life in Bulgaria, you must find a way to be positive about life. That is a long term investment that will pay off big in the future simply by helping you make better decisions and having more goodwill.
  6. Help him when he needs and make him help you, so he feels needed.
  7. At this point most people will say – learn to cook, but naa not rly ;) In the kitchen even if you can’t cook you can always make fun of yourself and still somehow have a great night together, but in the bed… you really need to know how to fuck… please learn it, and fyi blond hair doesn’t help in bed ;) nor breasts ;), unless you use them the Turkish style ;DD
  8. Try to find even more and more common interests, don’t be satisfied with the starting ones. It’s natural that people change with time, so in this way after 2-3 years you will essentially become so alike it will be nearly impossible to separate ;)
  9. In general be more open to the world, to new things, to unknowns. Don’t try to navigate the world into your parented rails, prepare to expand you rail network ;)