Saturday 8 October 2011

Our lives, income and comfort

Our lives, income and comfort.

The long term perspective

Fortunately for you ;) - I have to start my point from far, far away.
What do we do with the annoying, complaining people?
Well, first of all we should try not to be one ;) It is tempting like the dark force, the one from Star Wars, not cosmology ;) It, by the way, is one of my favorite subjects unlike Star Wars, but like English comedy which is also on queue for tonight.

Let me say two words about English comedy before we go on though ;) England has developed a very strong market for comedy, it has all hallmarks of a real industry there and this brings high fees for the comedians and thus motivates many people to compete to be the best. The English comedians have achieved such high level of wit and sharp thinking that they have less scripted comedy shows than live on the spot jokes shows. The quote that inspired this piece of text is from one of the veterans and staple figures of English comedy – Stephan Fry, he has also been a vivid science nerd among his colleagues. He has made television for more than 30 years now and has travelled to the most exotic places to find interesting and funny animals and stories.
His latest show is called Quite Interesting and already has 8 seasons on BBC2, the plot of the show is 2 teams of 3 comedians compete who can think of the funniest jokes about super surprising facts about our world, that nobody has thought of.
I sincerely recommend it for people who want to get surprised, laugh a lot and last but not least learn useless information ;)

As I am sure this already drew you far away from the main topic, the topic was the negative minded and frowny people. I bet everybody has been forced to at least work with an elderly person, who sees the world gray and feels everything new/modern as a threat to his well-being.

“I cannot tell you the overmastering hatred I feel,
waves of disgust when there is that frowny woman on the bicycle
who looks at you as if you are the symbol of all capitalism
and meat eating and penis owning . You know you are the
enemy of the people , you are the enemy of the planet,
you are globalization, you are capitalism with a huge cigar,
just because you might have slightly blown her off course
on her blasted Bison.” Stephen Fry(2003, interview)

This is a quote of a live and unscripted show, which he said with exceptional flare, that really grabbed my heart. As I am sure you know I am practicality-driven person and the reasoning behind this behavior is to a front to all of us who push the world forward for the best of mankind ;)

Just to make myself clear – I respect deeply elder people, who adapt to the new technologies and are able to rival most of the lazy ass kids of the new generation, but this quote is for all those, who are lazy to catch up with the news and always dream about the old days, when they claim everything was better. I admit life seems it could have been easier back then, but that is not really the point. The point is development and progress is on the way, the quality of life is constantly raising and we could never bring back the old times even if everybody wanted. I believe the current progress is for the better and should be accelerated, not hindered.

We are discovering and inventing new technologies daily, the development in every field of science and manufacturing eventually brings our living costs down even if we don’t realize it. Each and every year the number of patents filed in the world reaches a new high and the patents violated reaches new record levels in China ;) My biggest hopes are for a breakthrough in the field of energy generation and not energy savings, as we are currently in the energy savings era, which I really find a bit misguided, but still we learn from it and it achieves some kind of efficiency ;) Just imagine if the cost of energy drops by only 30%, it will benefit every industry from mining, refining, smelting, manufacturing, logistics, storage, retailing and usage, thus will roughly decrease our overall costs by about 10-15%, which you can spend on something else, and the target of the new energy generation technologies like fusion for example is to lower the energy price by 200-300%. Such a change will not only lower overall running and product costs, but will also spur development of new bigger, cooler and more powerful gadgets that are just not economically feasible at the moment for everyone. My most painful issue is the slow transport of today and I cannot wait for the moment in future that the masses of people will be able to afford a thousand mile/hour train journey or 3-4 times super-sonic flights. As a keen economist I cannot see people’s income rising dramatically, but I can see technological progress making luxury products and services available to the masses.


Respect particle physics.
Respect theoretical physics.
Respect cosmology.
Respect genius of innovation like Steve Jobs(R.I.P Steave(1958-2011))
Respect people who have built MNCs and can afford to spend billions on R&D.
Respect China for its cheap labor ;D

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