Sunday 29 January 2012

Do our feelings demand corresponding music, or the music actually enhances a particular feeling? (A discussion within myself)

Do our feelings demand corresponding music, or the music actually enhances a particular feeling? (A discussion within myself)

There are times when I just suddenly like a song and start listening to it repetitively. It is then when you start actually thinking about the core of the lyrics and what could have caused them. You will most certainly connect it to episodes of your life of even more scarily an episode that is unfolding right now. What exactly happened was that I was listening to “Imany – You will never know” and I caught myself adjusting the representation of real life in my head to the lyrics of the song. So I started wondering – Could it be possible that the old statement – “I chose the music I listen to according to MY mood” be actually an excuse for us diving into a fantasy that will make us feel better?

As far as I am concerned there is no simple answer though. It seems to me that there must be a recent event of some kind that initiates the cycle of mood conditioning. Just to be clear the cycle consists of a weak emotion triggering an activity that enhances it, the enhanced emotion triggering more activities in that direction further enhancing the feeling and so on. I deliberately sided a bit from the music, because I feel that it is only one of the activities that could be used. For example reading a book or watching a movie on love could certainly condition your perceptions in a more romantic way.
Which will make you take different decisions, probably get disappointed because the other side haven’t been through that cycle, further watch romantic movies with Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant further believe that it should happen as in the movies and so on.

Please excuse me for using that seemingly very popular topic of the “perfect love”, but it universally represents the idea that I am trying to communicate. It is almost certain that this method of self-conditioning works and is constantly being used by ourselves. Some examples that come to mind are idols, work mastery, understanding how the world works, looking pretty for facebook(girls), party animals and “club furniture”, etc.

I hope you get the idea. I stay distant from judging this activity, after all it’s probably evolutionary and has been around for at least 5000 years, I guess. Well I think being aware of that human unconscious habit could only be of your benefit at least at empathizing with people, who you understand have been through such a cycle and many more.

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday 24 January 2012

And she talked and talked and talked… Will she ever stop ?

Yesterday was my most ....... night that I can remember!! I had a lot of work during the day and I was so exhausted that I decided to just read a chapter of my current read and go to bed, but suddenly the phone rings, as I reach to silence it I see that it an old girlfriend of mine. Suddenly the refreshing thought of casual sex comes to mind and I decide to pick up and that’s where all the troubles begin. You should know to keep to your original plan once you are over 21 years old. So I hear on the phone that very sexy voice of a salsa dancer that sounds very happy to hear from me again: “Hey G. how are you, I have arrive in Varna for a couple of days, lets go out to have a drink together?” So I pick myself up, dust myself off the sleepy mood and answer “Yes sure, I’ll be happy to meet you at Graffiti in half an hour ;)”
And so to spare you the thousands of boring details that chatty girls would consider worth even recognizing I will summarize:
23:05 we sit in the Café,
23:01 she started talking
00:00 I have been able to say “Aham” 2 times
00:30 we are the last customers in the Café
01:00 the staff started cleaning up
01:20 I decided that it would be reasonable to go to a different bar
01:21 I realize I still haven’t said anything and I no longer even try to understand.
01:30Just nodding almost asleep and mega bored, because I cannot even slip in the
suggestion to change the bar.
02:00 I am completely asleep on the table and she finally realizes that the staff is looking at us and waiting nervously.
02:05 I am definitely thinking of going to bed, but as soon as I inhaled some fresh air I gain some strength and decide – (Ok, lets go for one more try) – “P. lets go to the night bar in the hotel over there?” – She was happy about it and we went there.

From there on I cannot remember exact times, but essentially Even before I finished my first vodka I wanted to go home and see her again, but she left me no chance to say anything, let alone “goodbye”. I hope you get how bored I am and the only thing left to do is to drink something as I quit smoking, so I drank 2 more vodkas until she finished talking and I was unable to open my eyes. In the end I was so happy to say “I have to go to bed, because of work, GooBye!” and I didn’t even want to see her again.

On the other morning I realized that had happened 2 more times in the past. Two years ago we went through the same ordeal, which I had forgotten and back in high school when we dated for about 2 weeks I just remembered that I stopped pick up the phone and calling her just because I could stand her narcissistic drone.

Anyways anyone who has dated more than 2 girls must have stumbled upon such a chatty one, talking 1-2 hours on the phone, usually when you call her she is talking and you are on call waiting and if you would accidentally want to share something with her, in 1 minute she decides that it is connected to something totally irrelevant and she starts talking about it for an hour.

Actually now I remember there was one girl that I dated when I was back in England, who forced me to have a 1300 £ bill on my phone.

Anyways please tell me why do you consider those thing important are fucking blind to the countless important things that happen in the world?
Do you even care about us? Or you are considered only with your soapy stories?
Why are you bored to talk about current important, international or work related issues? Or at least mention something that any practical person could consider worth listening? And No! it doesn’t matter if she leaves him after 8 breakups and come backs! And No! I don’t care if she should wait for a guy she has been dreaming about for 5 years and he still hasn’t called her! And No! nobody cares if she wants become a redhead! ( She being a fiend of hers that I haven’t even seen)

It’s easy to be lured by such girls; they are usually very pretty and charming, but be aware what you are going into! And there is your answer why many girls say: “Men are pigs!” – You are unbearable!