Sunday 29 January 2012

Do our feelings demand corresponding music, or the music actually enhances a particular feeling? (A discussion within myself)

Do our feelings demand corresponding music, or the music actually enhances a particular feeling? (A discussion within myself)

There are times when I just suddenly like a song and start listening to it repetitively. It is then when you start actually thinking about the core of the lyrics and what could have caused them. You will most certainly connect it to episodes of your life of even more scarily an episode that is unfolding right now. What exactly happened was that I was listening to “Imany – You will never know” and I caught myself adjusting the representation of real life in my head to the lyrics of the song. So I started wondering – Could it be possible that the old statement – “I chose the music I listen to according to MY mood” be actually an excuse for us diving into a fantasy that will make us feel better?

As far as I am concerned there is no simple answer though. It seems to me that there must be a recent event of some kind that initiates the cycle of mood conditioning. Just to be clear the cycle consists of a weak emotion triggering an activity that enhances it, the enhanced emotion triggering more activities in that direction further enhancing the feeling and so on. I deliberately sided a bit from the music, because I feel that it is only one of the activities that could be used. For example reading a book or watching a movie on love could certainly condition your perceptions in a more romantic way.
Which will make you take different decisions, probably get disappointed because the other side haven’t been through that cycle, further watch romantic movies with Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant further believe that it should happen as in the movies and so on.

Please excuse me for using that seemingly very popular topic of the “perfect love”, but it universally represents the idea that I am trying to communicate. It is almost certain that this method of self-conditioning works and is constantly being used by ourselves. Some examples that come to mind are idols, work mastery, understanding how the world works, looking pretty for facebook(girls), party animals and “club furniture”, etc.

I hope you get the idea. I stay distant from judging this activity, after all it’s probably evolutionary and has been around for at least 5000 years, I guess. Well I think being aware of that human unconscious habit could only be of your benefit at least at empathizing with people, who you understand have been through such a cycle and many more.

Thanks for reading,

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