Saturday 10 March 2012

Rut conundrum put on rails

After you learn something you are never the same person again. Which means that if do the same usual thing for years on years, you have basically stopped learning new things, hence you’ve stopped developing. And strangely or not my conviction is that people should always be curious and progressive. Furthermore conventional logic dictates that all people learn all the time, but that hypothesis has completely been disproven by the masses of people, who just enter the first comfortable state and essentially remain in it for decades until some event of critical significance just shakes their world, which they thought was all there is.

I know, unfortunately, that actually real life examples make the case more interesting for readers and more believable and the examples are countless. The first that has stuck in my mind is the huge obsession with watching football. Like any other mania the person puts the football watching in the center of his life – all his decision-taking is relative to the game times – his moods are related to the game results – all his spare time he could have used to learn new things is wasted on an unproductive activity – valuable talk time is wasted on the same topic, while you could be discussing a great business idea or a social development and in fact the aggregate picture is that you are just inactive and you just miss on things you didn’t even know.

I recently started similar discussion on a musical topic that has been focal for decades. “Why is the new album of my favorite band not the /same/as good/ as the last one?”
Well I explain it by exactly this development. Essentially the band and you have developed in different directions or most commonly the band has developed and you are still nostalgic about the old and want more of the same. And yeas I know that’s a very arguable topic, but let’s say the albums have similar sales if we can take that as a measure of how good the album is. The general conclusion you should take is that, because your favorite band is famous è most certainly they are leaders è they are active and innovative è they constantly explore new things è they move forward, hence its more likely that you haven’t move forward, because statistics dictate that there is 98% chance that you are the exact opposite ;)

I advocate self-development – simple as that!

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