Monday 13 February 2012

Reading truths behind the wall of lies.

As hard it may be to admit it and accept it, but people lie all the times. There have even been studies on it showing that on an everyday conversation with a coworker people tend to lie about 20% of things and much more if the conversation actually matters for them.

There are many people who claim that they can see through the everyday trash thrown at them, but they aren’t really good to be honest :))))) I, however, claim I’m really good at reading what people actually think, I have done it many times and its proven. It is not as easy as looking for body language signs or change in the tone of speaking it’s more about knowing the person’s view of life, way of thinking, desires and priorities. To be really able to step in the other person’s shoes as some may say :))

Well sometimes you can get truths about a person that he himself tries to not realize and deny. Actually it’s easier to get those issues of a person rather than ones he is intentionally hiding :))) But what really frustrates me is when people don’t know what they want, undecided or timid. Still you can get an idea of what is going on in their minds but you cannot be sure what will they decide, how will they react and that just isn’t good enough. When I make a conclusion about a feature I’m particularly interested in, I want to leave it behind and not get bloody surprised by some unexpected change of mind :)))

You would probably suggest that if someone is undecided the best thing to do would be to nudge him towards the right decision, but sometimes it is just not possible, or sometimes even there is no right decision even from my point of view :))) I like leaving people do what they feel is right, but I want to be prepared, so I can react in the best way for me.

Underage warning: Do not try to manipulate people, it just isn’t right, even though it is so tempting when so many people are like open books from which you can easily read and even write endings quite easily :)))

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